#06 Drawings are made of these...

Hello hello!
We've been making some drawings for some good level ideas we've got. There are two levels that we are making until July 9th,  the "release" of our game for the college course.

These levels have some new art work, they are pretty much descriptive but we will say what their purposes are:

This patch of grass will make it harder on Ruppert to go across it, having to work with Piri to burn it using these next assets.

This plant, used as a placeholder for a little drop of water that Piri will be able to carry, can work as a magnifying glass and burn the grass presented before

This being the final look of the plant, with the drop of water already placed in it.

This is Piri holding the drop of water in his very delicate and not water drop-bursting hands. We promise you he won't drink it.

And finally a little animation of the fire that will burn the grass away and let Ruppert through.

We've got some other artwork, but it will come in a separate thread since this one has already a lot of information in it as we can separate them by terms of game-play.
Therefore this artwork dev-log will extend itself to the next one, be sure to read it if you want to accompany us in this game design adventure.

Get Purpose: Dormant Tree

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